SAARC Journal of Social Science

SAARC Journal of Social Science

Frequency :Bi-Annual

ISSN :2583-9950

Peer Reviewed Journal

Table of Content :-SAARC Journal of Social Science, Vol:1, Issue:2, Year:2023

The Buddhist Revival and Social Change in Contemporary Sri Lanka

By :-Mahesh Premarathna
SAARC Journal of Social Science, Year:2023, Vol.1 (2), PP.93-113
Received:30 June 2023 | Revised:23 July 2023 | Accepted :03 August 2023 | Publication:10 December 2023

Sri Lankan history presents that the Buddhism has undergone various reformations at various historical periods. Religious reformations have addressed various issues and changes that Buddhism has undergone throughout the history. The significant aspect of Sinhala Buddhism is then reformations cannot be confined to a particular historical epoch and a particular movement since Buddhist revival is a continuous process, and multiple reformation movements exists simultaneously. The Mahamevnawa Asapuwa as a recent radical and innovative Buddhist movement presents a contemporary form of the Buddhist revival in Sri Lanka. This paper argues that the Buddhist reformations of the Mahamevnawa Asapuwa cannot be understood as isolated religious phenomenon in contemporary Sri Lankan since it connects within larger historical, social, economic, political, religious and educational contexts of Sri Lanka. The Buddhist reformations of the Mahamevnawa Asapuwa presents that the Sinhala Buddhist identity has been changed due to social change and the impact of globalization and neo-liberalization on Sinhalese and Buddhism. Therefore, a larger social, educational, economic, political and religious reformations are aimed to generate strong Sinhala Buddhists followers irrespective of their class and caste backgrounds.

Keywords: Buddhist revival, Mahamevnawa Asapuwa, Globalization, Neo-liberalization, Social change.

Mahesh Premarathna (2023). The Buddhist Revival and Social Change in Contemporary Sri Lanka. SAARC Journal of Social Science, 1: 2, pp. 93-113.

Poverty Reduction and Pro-poorness Growth in Bihar and Jharkhand: A Comparative Analysis

By :-Jitendra Kumar Sinha
SAARC Journal of Social Science, Year:2023, Vol.1 (2), PP.115-131
Received:09 June 2023 | Revised:11 August 2023 | Accepted :19 August 2023 | Publication:10 December 2023

This study compares poverty reduction and pro-poorness of growth in rural and urban areas of Bihar, Jharkhand, and of all India. Bihar has recorded faster poverty reduction during 2004-05 and 2011-12 in compassion to Jharkhand and all-India. An increasing trend was witnessed in growth inequality at all Indian levels, but a reverse declining trend was witnessed in Bihar. Further, growth inequality has decreased in rural areas of Bihar and Jharkhand but increased in urban areas. The positive value of inequality elasticity at the all-India level simply implies that poverty alleviation programs did not adequately benefit poor people. The inequality elasticity was negative in both the rural and urban sectors of Bihar and the urban sector of Jharkhand implying that the lower strata have benefitted more than the upper-income group. A larger reduction in inequality in both rural and urban areas suggests that Bihar implemented more effective pro-poor programs than Jharkhand. Surprisingly, the inequality elasticity was positive in the rural sector of Jharkhand implying that programs did not benefit adequately rural people in Jharkhand. The poverty reduction impact on the growth of income measured by poverty elasticity of growth remains the same for both Bihar and Jharkhand. However, Bihar witnessed faster poverty reduction due to effectiveness of anti-poverty measures and welfare spending, reflected by higher efficiency in reducing poverty in the decomposition of annual change in poverty.

Keywords: Poverty Measurement; Poverty Reduction; Pro-poor Growth; Poverty Alleviation Programs; Poverty Growth Curve; Inequality Elasticity of Growth; Pro-Poor Growth Index (PPGI).

JEL Codes: I31; I32; O4.

Jitendra Kumar Sinha (2023). Poverty Reduction and Pro-poorness Growth in Bihar and Jharkhand: A Comparative Analysis. SAARC Journal of Social Science, 1: 2, pp. 115-131.

Narrative Technique and the Craft of Creative Writing: Fundamental Concepts, Aspects and Dimensions

By :-Yash Deep Singh
SAARC Journal of Social Science, Year:2023, Vol.1 (2), PP.133-145
Received:09 July 2023 | Revised:11 August 2023 | Accepted :19 August 2023 | Publication:10 December 2023

In the craft of creative discourse, the method of narration plays a pivotal role. A writer employs a specific narrative technique and takes recourse to a particular narrative strategy with a view to projecting his perception, his vision of art and life, as well as communicating his concerns and commitments in a way that the reader not only appreciates his works in a better manner, but also shares his attitude and sensibility. In addition, the narrative technique resorted to in a text goes a long way in lending artistic freshness and aesthetic effulgence to it. This paper attempts to explore and examine the fundamental concepts of Narrative Technique and its multi-dimensional facets. It invokes relevant critical texts associated with the manifold aspects of narrative strategies for an insightful survey that brings together the numerous nuances of literary devices and techniques in a concise comprehensive form.

Keywords: Narrative technique, Components, Aspects, Dimensions, Relevance.

Yash Deep Singh (2023). Narrative Technique and the Craft of Creative Writing: Fundamental Concepts, Aspects and Dimensions. SAARC Journal of Social Science, 1: 2, pp. 133-145.

Chronic Unemployment in South Africa: Whose Role is it to Create Jobs in a Developmental State?

By :-Mawere J., Matoane J. and amp; Mukonza R.M.
SAARC Journal of Social Science, Year:2023, Vol.1 (2), PP.147-160
Received:19 July 2023 | Revised:05 September 2023 | Accepted :19 September 2023 | Publication:10 December 2023

The history of colonisation and apartheid in South Africa has left many people neglected and disadvantaged. Furthermore, the government’s most essential objective is to reduce South Africa’s high unemployment rate. South Africa’s official unemployment rate is 35.3 percent. President Cyril Ramaphosa said during his State of the Nation 2022 address in response to the unemployment crisis, “We all know that government does not create jobs, business creates jobs.” This statement contradicted the President’s vow to create millions of jobs for South Africans during the 2018 jobs conference. In this context, the paper focuses on determining who is responsible for creating jobs in a developing economy. The paper will employ literature review as a research method. The paper will begin by discussing the current state of unemployment in South Africa. Second, the paper will look at the factors that contribute to unemployment in South Africa. Third, the paper will look at the government’s involvement in job creation, and finally, the paper will give recommendations.

Keywords: Unemployment, Job creation, Entrepreneurship, Business, Government.

Mawere J., Matoane J. & amp; Mukonza R.M. (2023). Chronic Unemployment in South Africa: Whose Role is it to Creat Jobs in a Developmental State?. SAARC Journal of Social Science, 1: 2, pp. 147-160.

Ecological Alienation of West Bengal’s Buxa Hill Residents in Alipurduar Area: An Assessment of the Environmental Development Process

By :-Bappi Singha
SAARC Journal of Social Science, Year:2023, Vol.1 (2), PP.161-172
Received:10 September 2023 | Revised:10 October 2023 | Accepted :22 October 2023 | Publication:10 December 2023

The people of Buxa hill and their surroundings are significant in terms of their sociocultural considerations. The historical background of the Buxa fort, centering on which habitats are enjoying the feelings of attachment and togetherness, finding a way of representing the self-identity, as every history does, is towards extinction. To preserve their rich history and the deed of historiography, they are much waiting for being in the least recognition, which speculates and extends the philosophical ground of the paper and tries to analyze their marginal condition. The ecosystem without humans is being formed through hypernaturalism in the name of ecosystem preservation. Collaboration with different forces of globalization, implementation of different programs and policies, and tourism activities offered to outsiders, a packaged field of entertainment that has reduced the human quality of life of the insiders. Unemployment, regional disparity, and state indifference push them into more marginal conditions. Only the third party defines and imposes development and other relevant processes; neither nature nor the concerned group can speak. Such a setting and the underlying reality broaden the sociological field and merit attention. The study attempted to illustrate the respondents’ marginalization by recounting their perspectives and tried investigating the topic.

Keywords: compartment, ecosystem, globalization, historiography, naturalism.

Bappi Singha (2023). Ecological Alienation of West Bengal’s Buxa Hill Residents in Alipurduar Area: An Assessment of the Environmental Development Process. SAARC Journal of Social Science, 1: 2, pp. 161-172.

New Education Policy 2020: Its Prospects of Internationalization

By :-Surjya Narayan Tripathy
SAARC Journal of Social Science, Year:2023, Vol.1 (2), PP.173-193
Received:14 November 2023 | Revised:28 November 2023 | Accepted :01 December 2023 | Publication:10 December 2023

The New Education Policy (NEP) of 2020 has several provisions that are aimed at increasing the prospects of internationalization in Indian education. One of the key objectives of the NEP is to make Indian education more globally competitive by promoting internationalization and increasing the number of foreign students studying in India. This is expected to help India become a global knowledge superpower and improve the quality of education in the country.

In nutshell, the NEP 2020 has several features and prospects associated with it, which can make India a desirable study destination for international students which is expected to make Indian education more globally competitive, improve the quality of education, and help India become a global knowledge superpower. However, achieving these goals requires a sustained effort towards effective implementation and overcoming the associated challenges. If the NEP is successfully implemented, it has the potential to not only attract more international students to India but also improve the overall quality of education in the country. However, the successful implementation of the NEP requires effective planning, coordination, and execution at various levels, which can be a challenging task.

The analysis presented in this paper is based on secondary sources of data and highlights the key features and prospects of the NEP 2020, underscores the importance of education in shaping a nation’s economic future and highlights the need for a forward-looking education policy that is tailored to specific national contexts.

Keywords: NEP 2020, International education, Students moving abroad, Human capital theory.

Surjya Narayan Tripathy (2023). New Education Policy 2020: Its Prospects of Internationalization. SAARC Journal of Social Science, 1: 2, pp. 173-193.

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