EAJESEurasian Journal of Economics and Statistics

Peer Reviewed Journal
Peer Reviewed Journal
Agribusiness Promotion and the impact of Women Empowerment among Smallholder Farmers in Wum Municipality, Cameroon
In most rural areas, where customary practices prevail, land is owned and controlled by men. Essentially, women are considered to be part of a man’s property that’s why in Wum many young girls suffer from: unwanted and early pregnancies, early age sexuality, low level education and employment. The role of women empowerment in the promotion of agribusiness among smallholder farmers in Wum Municipality has as objectives: to identify and discuss the factors fueling women empowerment; the implications of women empowerment on agribusiness promotion and verify the problems associated with women agribusiness activities in Wum municipality. Methodologically, primary data was collected using well-structured questionnaires administered using simple random sampling to a sample of 150 respondents. The quantitative data was coded and analyzed using the OLS technique. The results showed that: marital status, household size and level of education are correlating with women empowerment in Wum municipality. Women empowerment is observed to be strongly corroborating with Agribusiness promotion, while inability to acquire extension workers, non-professional network, and remote access to market are the frequent problems face by women in Wum municipality. The study suggests that the decision makers should augment workshops and farm trainings to ease agribusiness promotion. This is a wise-step towards economic development.
Keywords: Empowerment, Promotion, Agribusiness, Smallholder Farmers, Wum, Cameroon
Mbu Daniel Tambi & Jato Leonel Bache (2024). Agribusiness Promotion and the Impact of Women Empowerment among Smallholder Farmers in Wum Muncipality, Cameroon. Eurasian Journal of Economics and Statistics, 1: 2, pp. 93-113.
Broiler Production and Economic Well-being of Poultry farmers in Bamenda, Cameroon
The study Broiler Production and Economic Well-being of Poultry farmers in Bamenda, Cameroon has as objectives: to identify and rank the main challenges faced in broiler production, to determine the effects of poultry production on the economic well- eing and to determine the effects by the gender of poultry farmer in Bamenda municipality. Primary data was collected while a 2SLS was used to estimate the result. The study shows that inadequate finance, high cost of inputs and the lack of knowledge constitute the major constraints of poultry production. Broiler production is observed to have a strong significant effect on the economic wellbeing of poultry farmers and the effect is strong for both male and female poultry farmers. Policy suggest that the decision makers should increase the production of broilers in the municipality through intensification of training and the provision of financial and material support to poultry farmers.
Keywords: Broiler Production, Farmers, Economic Well-being, Bamenda, Cameroon
Mbu Daniel Tambi & Tekwe Afo Nadege (2024). Broiler Production and Economic Well-being of Poultry farmers in Bamenda, Cameroon. Eurasian Journal of Economics and Statistics, 1: 2, pp. 115-138.
Economic Growth and Carbon Emissions Nexus: Evidence From Nigeria
With the rising climate change concerns, there have been contrasting arguments regarding the effect of economic activities on carbon emissions in a nation. The study adopted the econometric models, the Pairwise Granger Causality test, and the Autoregressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL). The ARDL bounds test for co-integration indicated that carbon emission and economic growth in Nigeria have a long-run relationship. Similarly, the long-run coefficients indicated that asides Energy Use, all independent variables have a significant effect on carbon emissions in the long run. However, the squared GDP and population growth have positive effect on carbon emissions, while GDP, trade openness, financial sector development and urbanization have negative effect on carbon emissions in the long run. Furthermore, the ECM coefficient was negative and statistically significant, meaning that in the event of any economic disequilibrium, the system will correct itself in the short run at a rate of 76 percent every quarter, eventually attaining long-term equilibrium. For the Granger Causality, result indicated that a significant bidirectional relationship exists between carbon emission and economic growth in Nigeria. It was recommended that a balance be established between carbon emission and economic growth in Nigeria by ensuring that unproductive activities that results in carbon emission are curtailed.
Keywords: Carbon intensity, Environmental Kuznets Curve, Clean technologies, Energy use.
Paul A. Orebiyi, Ubong E. Effiong and Joy Udeme (2024). Economic Growth and Carbon Emissions Nexus: Evidence from Nigeria. Eurasian Journal of Economics and Statistics, 1: 2, pp. 139-171.
Revisiting the Dynamics of Stock Market Returns Volatility of Listed Companies under the NSE 20 Share Index in Kenya
This study explored the behavior of stock market returns volatility in the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) for listed companies under the NSE 20 share index in Kenya. The study analyzed stock returns using 2,999 observations from 3 January 2011 to 30 December 2020 and estimated a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity, GARCH (1,1) and an exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity, EGARCH (1,1) models. The study found that the stock returns volatility of companies listed under the NSE 20 share index exhibited both volatility clustering and persistence behavior. However, there was no evidence of the leverage effect on future volatility in returns.
Keywords: stock market returns, volatility clustering, leverage effect volatility, volatility persistence.
Daniel Ngigi & Angelica Njuguna (2024). Revisiting the Dynamics of Stock Market Returns Volatility of Listed Companies under the NSE 20 Share Index in Kenya. Eurasian Journal of Economics and Statistics, 1: 2, pp. 173-189.
Costing System and the Performance of Breweries Companies in Nigeria: A Study of Champion Breweries PLC
This study was conducted to explore the intricate relationship between the Costing System and Operational Performance of Champion Breweries Plc. This is premise on the fact that cost management has been a major challenge facing the beverages sector in Nigeria. Survey research decision was adopted involving design of questionnaire to gather data administered to thirty-five (35) employees of Champion Breweries that constitute the respondents used for the study. Data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics of mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis and simple linear regression. Results revealed that there is a significant relationship between costing system and organizational performance [mean score > 3.0, R= 0.623, P-value = 0.000], costing system significantly influences organizational performance at Champion Breweries Plc. [R = 0.623, R2 =0.388, Adj. R2 = 0.383, F-ratio = 75.276, P-value = 0.000] and Costing System supports decision making at Champion Breweries Plc. [R = 0.589, R2 =0.347, Adj. R2 = 0.341, F-ratio = 62.814, P-value = 0.000]. It was concluded that costing systems adopted in Champion Breweries Plc. contribute to the overall success and performance outcomes of the company. It was recommended that beverages manufacturing companies in Nigeria imbibe cost management strategies that are in tandem wit global best practices and sustainability of their entities in the face of competitiveness and complexities in the business environment.
Keywords: Costing System, Operational Performance, Cost Management
Etim Osim Etim, Augustine Brendan Inyang, Seth Woulf Tuerider, Usen Paul Umo & Ihenyen Joel Confidence (2024). Costing System and the Performance of Breweries Companies in Nigeria: A Study of Champion Breweries PLC. Eurasian Journal of Economics and Statistics, 1: 2, pp. 191-217.